Wednesday, January 19, 2011


1) Central Idea of Photo: The central idea that I was attempting to emphasize on was to portray how children always have the time of the lives, living in the moment without realizing their consequences with no worries whatsoever. Instead, they focus on having huge amounts of fun without worrying what is ahead of their lives, which is quite stupendous. The Mickey Mouse figurine portrays the child's standpoint on their actions as his worried face emphasizes on the child's result from not thinking about what they're acting upon while the alligator is the danger that strikes them in the future without any hesitation. I added the car and the sandwich just to add more of a better effect toward the environment. The water is used to represent the body of water like a sewer or an estuary that steals away their lives as they begin to lose their child-like image. This time, I wanted to illustrate how children are dramatized by the intense consequences they face through life that cause them to act differently in the future, as this instance, it would be the after effect of their actions. Nonetheless, I also want to portray that being a child is breathtaking as we get to experience the world through trust and happiness.

2) Progression of Development Toward Theme:My images contribute to the development of the theme because it emphasizes on children and their perspectives on life as they forego an everlasting yet deceiving world, however, at the end of the day, children always develop trust. This is what I wanted to show toward my theme. I wanted to utilize on the dim lighting to show how the consequences are dire, however, as children we still attempt to look on the positive sides. As always, I still believe I need to reach my full potential toward my theme as it still has a lot of weak points.

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