Monday, October 11, 2010

Proposal for Photography

Portfolio Proposal
Proposed By: Brian Le
Project Title: Serendipitous Children
Senior Art Studio / Photography 3/4
Ms. Miles
Project Due Date: 01/31/2011
Project Description
My portfolio/project will be focusing on the surprises children have when they're having the time of their lives, the uniqueness of how children can bring out the miraculous characteristics of how anyone can be childish no matter how old you are. This style of photography will consist of the children that basically use their surroundings to have a good time, no matter what happens, they're still able to have fun. From the things that appear on the floor all the way to video games, children, overall are able to spend quality time with others in order to bring out their innocence.
The concept I am trying to apply is to demonstrate the how significant our child lives are, we take it for granted, in order for me to portray this, I'm trying to capture the miraculous effects our inner child self has on us. I would like to illustrate how our innocence as a children is what makes us who we are, a part of our mind that allows us to have intriguing moments. Moreover, our childish characteristics have been neglected as people live in a world where they believe money is the important factor in life, however, our inner child allows us to have creativity and a sense of imagination.
My inspiration was when I realized that children have been maturing much faster than other generations as they spend more time indoors instead of outdoors. I wanted to portray that our inner child is what is truly important because it creates another world for us to explore. My other inspiration was Sally Mann, she took pictures of her children when they were doing random things that appeared to capture an interesting point of view.
Equipment to be Used
35mm Digital Camera, Regular Point & Shoot Camera, Photoshop
My presentation will be introduced in huge photos or a photo album that portrays our inner child, in order to so, I plan to get paint and utilize finger painting methods. I also want to try to make it have ribbons and stamps to emphasize on the idea of how important our inner child is.

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