Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Timeline Assignment-Period 6

Response: For my timeline assignment, I worked with Mark and Jeffrey, they were good partners because they always were working hard. For our timeline, we decided to revolve the theme of our work around the history of cameras, we had to go on the internet to find various information on the cameras that were established, from the pinhole cameras to digital cameras and doing so we were amazed by the rapid evolution of the cameras, it was astonishing. For our information, we had to use rice paper because it was good enough to be rolled up and moved, afterward we were able to use transparent ink to distribute our information onto the rice paper. That process was amazing as the transparent ink worked effectively and looked like it was printing onto the paper. The difficult task that my group and I encountered was making the pinhole camera. First, we had to make a blueprint of the camera which wasn't that hard. Afterward, we made a smaller version of what our camera would look like. And after that was done, the difficulty began. We used black cardboard to make the interior and exterior of the camera and it was stressful as we had to accurately measure all of the sides to make it look like a legitimate camera. We then used tape to attach the parts together, afterward we used made holes on the top and bottom of the camera to put in pencils that would roll the rice paper so you would be able to see the information. After that process was done, we got foil and poked a small hole in front of the camera with a pencil and placed the foil inside so it would look like a pinhole camera. Even though it wasn't as accurate as we planned, the assignment overall was interesting and gave me new skills to work as a group. Hopefully in the future, I'll get to do another assignment like this.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

"Final Project for ROP?"- (Period 7, Part 1)

MOPA/Identity Assignment-Period 6

Nature is Calling
Reflection: For my identity assignment, I had to figure out something that defined me or something that was in my life. At first, I didn't know what to choose, as I thought about it I came up with nature. My decision sounded at bit weird at first, but later it caught on and I finally kept the decision. In order for me to be in a photo with nature, I had to get someone to shoot for me and that person was Jeffrey. This photo was taken in the Senior's Circle, right in the middle where the tree is. I just decided to get on the tree and passionately look at the tree as if "nature was calling" me. I didn't really have to direct Jeffrey, he just knew how to take the picture and what angle to shoot it in. The part I like about the photo is that it is in a spectacular angle because the light is shining down on my face and that's the part I like about the photo. In addition to that, the details of the branches seem to add a stronger effect on the photo. I believe this photo was a success because the photo is portraying nature calling, therefore nature is entwined within us.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Landscape Assignment-Period 6

"The Simple Things of Life"
Reflection: During my landscape assignment, I attempted to look for the radiant things around the campus so the photos would look pleasing. However, I soon realized that the dead weeds to the simple flowers were what made the campus look interesting, the simple things that made up the school. The two top pictures are flowers of some sort, I just thought it would look worthwhile if I took it in different angles, even though the pictures don't seem that interesting, I like the color contrast and how the shallow depth of field was displayed within them. The bottom picture was what I thought was the best because of the texture, the field consisted of dead weeds which I thought would look appealing. I had to lay down to take this photo and in the end I liked it because it shows the weeds and then goes up to the skies. I would like to try this landscape assignment again in the future because it taught me a lot of things with angles and how the photos should be shot to please the audience and it was a great experience to take the natures of life.

Landscape Inspiration

Photo by Michael Kenna

Response: Michael Kenna's work, overall is stunning, his angles and the way he structures his photos are absolutely appealing. This photo that he took seemed to inspire me because of how it is portrayed. The trees are aligned and seem to never end, in addition he displays the photo in a darkish tone making it look mysterious and sinister. His decision to make the photo black and white made the theme seem more attractive because of the appearance of the trees, they seem to be dead and there's some sort of sidewalk that also seems to never end. Honestly, I don't really like sinister photos, but this photo looked appealing because of how it was displayed. Kenna's perspectives in his landscape photography is astonishing.