Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Save the Earth

Reflection: Within my scrapbook "Save the Earth", I decided to pick these two photos for my reflection because they seemed to be the most interesting. For these photos, I used a shutter speed of 250 and a f-stop of 5.6. For our sequencing my objective was to have a consistent background, so I decided to shoot near the trash can and have some buildings in the back to make it have contrast, however it didn't turn out as I expected. I wanted to focus on the piece of rolled up paper because it signified the trash that the person in photo one was throwing. If the viewer is able to see the whole scrapbook, they'll see that throwing your trash away is a necessity because it's a puts a huge impact if the trash isn't thrown into the trash can. My work was portrayed as into a figurative aspect because I believe it would be best explained in figures rather than abstract. The photos seem to have a lighter tone than the right side, I intentionally made the right side darker because the person that is helping the Earth is somewhat mysterious, I felt that making the mysterious figure would make the topic more exciting. The images I took weren't done intentionally, at first I had no idea what to do for a subject, but as I looked around the campus I saw a lot of trash, so I decided to do pollution. The images were taken outside because I wanted to display how everyday people are mindlessly throwing trash around as they please as the Earth is slowly dying by pollution. Honestly, I don't think my work was successful because the color contrasts were dull and I feel like I wasn't able to send the message out thoroughly.

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