Monday, November 29, 2010



1) Central Idea of Photo: The central idea that I was trying to emphasize on was how children are affected by their surroundings. Since children are felt left out from the rest of the society now as they feel like there are things missing in their life, they began to succumb to peer pressure such as drinking. The Buzz Lightyear Lego figurine is being utilized to represent a child's essence and the environment he is in is used to represent his loneliness. I want to portray that children are affected by peer pressure as they attempt to get "cool points" as they entrap themselves into a deadly lock which later results in their loss of innocence. I used the shallow depth of field to focus on the figure and emphasize on his "lost mentality as he begins to absorb in the dangerous effects of alcohol.
2) Progression of Development Toward Theme: My images contribute to the development of the theme because it brings upon a perspective of how children are truly affected by their peers due to their influences as they grow up. However, I feel like I haven't reached the full potential of grabbing the true essence of a child's influence or their actions toward their surroundings. My idea did change a bit because I switched to figurines to explain a child's life, but now I will try to utilize both of the conditions.

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